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In a dimly lit room, with the soft whir of the projector as her soundtrack, Katherine's world transformed as the poignant scenes of "The 400 Blows" danced before her. She saw herself in Antoine's frenetic sprint toward the ocean, a yearning for unbridled freedom that mirrored her innermost desires. This moment crystallized her admiration for the French New Wave, a movement that broke away from traditional filmmaking norms and echoed her own aspirations for creative liberation.

The intricate narratives and temporal tapestries woven by Hou Hsiao-hsien further deepened Katherine's appreciation for cinema's unique ability to reflect life's multifaceted truths. Hou's cinematic philosophy, emphasizing freedom within the confines of societal norms, resonated with her, shaping her aspirations to become an auteur defined by authenticity and a relentless pursuit of truth.

Today, Katherine stands as a vanguard against the notion of films as mere cultural ephemera. She is driven by the ambition to craft cinematic experiences that resonate on a universal scale, touching hearts and minds, and elevating public discourse around the art form. This commitment is reflected in her focus on producing works that transcend cultural barriers, a testament to her multilingual command of Mandarin, English, Spanish, and Cantonese.

Katherine's filmography is not just a collection of projects but a mosaic of her journey, showcasing her versatility across different roles, from directing and editing to scriptwriting. Her works often mirror her personal evolution and the nuanced understanding of the world she's gained from her global experiences. Whether it's through the lens of a camera or the strokes of a design pen, Katherine's work encapsulates her continuous quest for growth, innovation, and the profound human connection that lies at the heart of every story she tells.

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